
A difficult letter to write . . . .

Originally sent on May 20, 2009

Dear Supporting Family -- I am writing to share with you what is most difficult for Tia and me.

Once again I have come to the states to repair my prosthesis and I have found much needed help. Although I have had great improvement since the amputation a year ago, at the same time I have encountered more work that needs to be done. In the fall of 2008, I rushed back to my family, field and to our ministries, without taking time to fully adjust to my amputation, to take time for needed rehabilitation, get the exact prosthetic, learn to live as an amputee, and understand what it means to be an amputee and actually be fully recovered.

Not only do I need to catch up with these items dealing with the amputation, but I also need an operation on my remaining ankle (residual problems from before the amputation last year).

Our Mission ABWE has asked us to take a medical leave of absence until December 2009, and then reevaluate our situation and perhaps proceed with furlough (we were planning on that for the following year). At that point of time we will assess our ability to serve our Lord outside the USA.

With incredibly heavy, but peace-filled hearts, we have put down our ministries in Costa Rica—working as team coordinator and directing the Christian school.

Tia and the girls will be rejoining Kevin in Cedarville, where he currently has been undergoing continual medical appointments and treatments these last few weeks. Please pray for us as we wrap up a variety of details here in Costa Rica before this travel.

With our faith in Him,
Kevin M. and Tia Reilly
ABWE Costa Rica