
December 2010
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; 
surely I have a delightful inheritance.
I will praise the LORD, who counsels me;
even at night my heart instructs me.
I have set the LORD always before me.
Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
          Psalm 16:6-8 

Living 'tween cornfields in quaint village style,
My work is no longer as close as a mile.
  But so thankful we are for the job God provide
  From Tia so flows love and joy from inside.
  She teaches and tutors and listens and plans
  to find just the fit for where each student stands.

Kevin's health program still demands and still steers
toward nurses and doctors and biomedical engineers.
Again, we are thankful for the wealth of the care
That to many veterans the VA offers a share.
                                    Kevin waits and watches for just that thing
                                    That to his community God wants him to bring.

Son Sean lives away with Christina and son;
To visit them now takes a five-hour run.
But they're doing quite well, in spite of the plan
That Sean will soon have to go to Afghanistan.

Katy works double--she has college and a job
Both are a blessing, she loves what she does.
To her friends she bestows lots of love, hugs and more,
And weekly she leads them in a study from the Word.

Colleen and Tara switched schools with their mom
And again in this gym they each reach for a pom
At basketball games they plan a great cheer
Not so much for the homework that comes with the year.

While Tara continues studying violin songs
Colleen works on photography all weekend long
Tara dabbles in Irving and art's fine line,
While Colleen relishes MacBeth and other design.
At church, they help with the two's and the three's
And at the end of the day, they take happy "zzzz's."

     So like in years past, when our kids were quite small,
Or even when children we had none at all,
Or like recent times, all growing up together,
This year, too, our prayers with you gather.
As God guides us and blesses, no matter what we see,

We pray the same for you and yours--in His will to be.

   With faith in Him,  
    Kevin and Tia


Ps&Ps September 2010

Dear Friends,

As our official time with ABWE runs to an end, we are sad and excited at the same time. The sad because it is a type of “goodbye,” and excited because we look forward to God’s next adventure in ministry for us. And even though we will no longer be in that one spot that He had for us before, we have been so blessed by that experience—and that blessing never goes away. –He blessed us through our team families, through our Paraguayan and Costa Rican coworkers and friends, through the preaching and teaching and directing that He taught us and worked through. What a treasure! And we know that God gives those treasures of work/ministry experiences no matter what country we are in—any and all of His workers can expect it if they are looking for His place for them.

In particular, we are excited already about a few possibilities. We praise the Lord that just over this past weekend, He led in a special way to provide a full-time employment for Tia at a Christian school not too far away. It was not exactly what she was looking for, but once again, God had a surprise for her in ministry—and she has already begun.

Praise, too, as all our belongings from Costa Rica arrived safe and sound this Labor Day weekend--so we labored. The 67 boxes are certainly not all yet unpacked, but some are, and the rest have been stored around the inside edges of the garage. 

Please continue to pray for Kevin. He has had some difficulties again with his prosthesis this week (two weeks ago the bioengineers/doctors worked on the same problem), which causes pain and sometimes sores. We are waiting on the Lord, too, for Him to show us just the right ministry/job for Kevin. He has his application in several places, and one particular position interests him.

Pray for the three girls, please. Katy has started her second year in college, and still has an excellent job taking care of a home-bound lady with Downs Syndrome and other serious disabilities.

Colleen and Tara will be coming to school with Mom, so they have a new school year ahead in more than one way. 

The last weeks before school started, Colleen, Tara and Tia have been busy helping with our church’s kindergarten readiness program. Each pre-kinder student has their own teacher all morning to help with readiness skills. A very well developed program!

Galen at 8 mos.
Sean with JoAnne Kendall
Sean just finished up his army training on September 2, so we have all enjoyed a great time this past week visiting with him again (the first time since early July and the second time since April, and the third time since February)--but probably not as much as Christina has. She and Galen are doing very well. Sean will be here three weeks and then be stationed down at Fort Campbell, KY.

We recently had a visit from Tia’s sister Shelly, with all her family. That was a terrific opportunity to visit. And right after that, a nephew of Kevin’s got married out in NJ, so we traveled out there and were able to visit with most of his siblings and his mother.

Tia’s almost finished with her masters—she just has the research project to do, and she has a good start on that. Please pray for diligence and time.

With faith in Him,

Kevin and Tia Reilly


Praises and Prayer Requests (Ps&Ps) August 2010

  • PRAISE for: 
    • Colleen's safe and profitable mission trip to Costa Rica -- more info and pictures here.
    •  The first steps of getting our belongings from Costa Rica to Ohio is done--the items are packed up by professional movers, supervised by fellow ABWE missionary Cam Woolford, to whom we are most grateful.
    • All the items we are not bringing were sold to coworkers in a short amount of time.
    • Our home in Costa Rica is sold to another family in the ministry--we are very pleased with that--it's a great home for fellowship and get-togethers.
  • PRAYER please: 
    • that this transition time continues to go smoothly, and that we see clearly what the Lord wants us to do next.
    • for safety in the coming weekend to travel to a wedding in New Jersey.
    • for the girls and Tia as they work with our church kindergarten readiness program.
We're enjoying visits this week from Katy's friends from Costa Rica and Honduras, and then Tia's sister and family. We continue to be involved with volunteer work, with appointments at the Veteran's medical center, spending time with our girls and grandbaby.... and with looking for employment where we can continue to carry on the work of the Kingdom.

With faith in Him,

Kevin and Tia


Ps&Ps July 2010

Dear Praying Family,

We appreciate so much the many notes of encouragement that we have received in the last few weeks—via email, blog responses, or regular post. Thank you for your continued prayers and love and care.

We do need help with some prayer requests and praises:
  •   Today (July 22) Colleen flies back from Costa Rica, after spending a month there working at Sojourn Academy’s summer camp program. All went very well there!
  •   Tomorrow (July 23), movers are to go into our house in Costa Rica and pack up the belongings that we still have there. (For those of you who remember the misadventure we had in shipping our belongings to Costa Rica, you know how helpful prayer will be at this point.) We thank the Lord for

o   a quick sell of our home in Costa Rica.
o   a quick sell and dispersion of all our big furniture and appliances.
o   A missionary coworker who is willing to help with supervising the huge task of having our items packed up and shipped back to us.
o   And all of this means that we do not need to physically return to Costa Rica to do this ourselves. That would have been complicated due to a number of life-situations.
  •   We still need jobs, as well. We’re expecting God to provide just the right place where we can reflect His glory and work toward His kingdom goals.
  •   We praise the Lord for the time we get to spend with Christina and grandbaby Galen; Sean continues in helicopter repair training until he graduates on September 2. They do not know yet where they will be stationed.

 Kevin and Tia Reilly


Another Beginning

We have enjoyed an excellent but difficult last six months. Our visits with many supporting church families have encouraged our souls. The hugs and smiles, the concern for Kevin’s health, the love expressed for the kids (and grandkid), the gifts towards our support—they have all been a great blessing. And for those we have not seen in person, many of you have written your encouragement. We thank you.

However, we have also been struggling these last six months—wanting, and moving toward, a return to the field, but it has been an unsettled drive. We have been reluctant, in spite of improve­ments in Kevin’s physical situation, to admit that going back overseas would not be best for his health. Due to chronic pain and due to maintaining the prosthesis, Kevin does not have the stamina to manage full-time ministry overseas. After conversations with administrators and with our pastor about various options, and after much prayer, we have tendered with sadness our resignation with ABWE as of August 31, 2010.
Ñanduti lace from Paraguay

This certainly will not be the end of ministry in our life, but it does mean that for these years in front of us, we will not be returning to the field. 

Costa Rica oxcart wheel
We love the ministries in which we have been involved in Paraguay and in Costa Rica. We enjoy fellowship and working alongside our ABWE colleagues. God has tremendously enriched and blessed our entire family since we joined ABWE in 1993. We know He will bless the next steps we take, and as well He will bless the steps of our ABWE coworkers in Costa Rica.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at reilly@hisnet.net.

With faith in Him, Kevin and Tia, Colleen and Tara


June 2010 Ps&Ps

 For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous 
      and his ears are attentive to their prayer, 
   but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil. 
Who is going to harm you
if you are eager to do good? 1 Peter 3:11-13

Dear Supporting Family,

We need to touch base again with you all. We have had a very busy last few months—mostly busy on the road (or in the skies).

Tia enjoyed a great trip to Chile with Dr. Bev Monroe and Mrs. Ginger Kirk. They spent almost an entire month at Santiago Christian Academy working on the library—sorting, culling, cataloging books into the computer, labeling, and reshelving over 7600 volumes. The experience provided a varied, enriching mosaic of cultures—Chilean, American, Korean, Turkish, etc. One highlight for Tia was the opportunity to visit with missionary friends who have passed through language school in Costa Rica and now are working on the field. She also had the chance to see friends whom she has not seen since our own language school days (1996) or since our years working in Paraguay (1997-2003). The ladies were able to visit several ABWE church works—including a deaf ministry—and that provided great fellowship and included a lot of Spanish and even mate (South American tea). If you would like more details and a ton of photos, please visit Tia’s blog at Library Adventures in Santiago, Chile.

At Hainesport
While Tia was gallivanting in South America, Kevin and the girls attended three churches in Ohio and in New Jersey. We enjoyed sharing our ministry and seeing new and old faces at
·         Cornerstone Baptist Church, Springfield, OH
·       Grace Bible Church, Pompton Plains, NJ
·   First Baptist Church, Hackensack, NJ

Then when she returned, Tia joined Kevin with visits to
  •  Hainesport Baptist Church, Hainesport, NJ
  •  First Baptist Church, Perkasie, PA
  •  Northmoreland Baptist Church, Tunkannock, PA
  •  People's Regular Baptist Church, Maybrook, NY

At Perkasie
With John Phykitt
We have been so encouraged with these visits (and the ones that preceded them). Everyone greets us with their assurances of prayers over these last few years, and we are so grateful. Those prayers support us in ways we do not understand (I Timothy 2:1-3). And as we have shared time with so many special friends along these roads, we have seen the necessity of our own intercession for all you here in the United States struggling with life and with sharing the gospel in this difficult field of ministry. We are praying for you, too!

These last few weeks—after our Pennsylvania and New York visits—have also included intense conversations with our mission’s regional administrator and with our pastor at Grace Baptist in Cedarville. We have been looking at a change of ministry (from the work at Sojourn Academy) and were aiming to return to Costa Rica in August 2010. However, due to a few doors closing, some lacking finances, and a general lack of peace about the timing of the return, we have decided that the return may need to be later in the year or early 2011. 

We so need your prayers and we are so grateful for your friendship! This furlough has encouraged us so much through your love! 

With faith in Him,
Kevin and Tia Reilly, Colleen and Tara

P.S. Kaity is doing great—she finished her first year at Central State Univ with a 4.0, and has an excellent job in the area. Sean continues strong at Fort Eustis in Virgina, and will graduate from there in September and then he and Christina and baby Galen will all be together again—somewhere.


March 2010 Ps&Ps

BACK ON THE ROAD -- We must admit that getting back into the “saddle” of furlough travels will be another adjustment to life. Please pray for stamina and spirit. We look forward to seeing those who have been supporting and praying for us these last five years particularly, and it will be a blessing to share the photos and memories of the ministry in Costa Rica.

Just this past weekend, we presented our first report at Calvary Baptist in Parkertown, NJ. What a blessing to hear how so many have been praying for us and for Kevin’s medical needs. What a praise! (Photo: Kevin and Tia with Pastor Mike and Michelle Dellaperute, more photos here.)

In April, Tia will have the opportunity to travel to Santiago, Chile, to work for three weeks with Dr. Bev Monroe at the ABWE missionary school there. They will be helping to set up their school library—which was also affected by the recent earthquake. Dr. Monroe came to San Jose, Costa Rica, back in 2005 to help us at Sojourn Academy, and we know what a helpful ministry this is to the schools educating our missionary kids and national students around the world. (Photos.)

Please pray for our travels and that we are able to encourage others during these visits and presentations:
  • Cornerstone Baptist, Springfield, OH — April 16-18, 200
  • Grace Bible Church, Pompton Plains, NJ — April 23-24
  • First Baptist Church, Hackensack, NJ — April 25
  • Hainesport Community Baptist, Hainesport, NJ — May 2
  • First Baptist Church, Perkasie, PA — May 16
  • People’s Baptist, Maybrook, NY — June 6
With faith in Him, Kevin, Tia, Colleen, & Tara

Looking ahead to ministries in Costa Rica, we also request prayer as we will be significantly switching gears this term. Our focus last term was the ministry at Sojourn Academy in San Jose, Costa Rica. Now we are facing a return to more time in church planting, particularly in a more interior region of the country. In that same area, we will be involved in a pastoral training institute. We also hope to work with a Costa Rican lay pastor in a new work in Cartago—the catholic center of the country about 30 minutes from the capital. Huge needs exist in that area, and prayerfully we will make an impact with the gospel. One of the tools we plan to use is The Story of Hope and The Way to Joy booklets put out by ABWE, in this situation in Spanish, of course. (For more information about this ministry resource, visit Good Soil .)


The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places....

The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.
I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

Psalm 16:6-8

For the Reillys, 2009 has been a year of new ventures and praises. Although hard ground had to be conquered, we saw the Lord’s guidance and care, and look forward to that same promise as we enter 2010.

Praises and Prayer Requests. Please rejoice with us in…
…Kaitlyn’s opportunity to minister in Honduras with the Concepcion family: she helped home school families, worked in a children’s home, and played guitar in the church worship team. In the US she transitioned into Central State University and left with a 4.0 in her first semester (parents are allowed to brag). Please pray as she works into her second term and continues in her two part-time jobs.
…Sean finishing a second year at Cedarville and ROTC, and then in his marriage to Christina Stanfield in August. Please pray for Sean and Christina, as they transition into full-time army life and even more importantly, into full-time parenthood.
…Colleen and Tara’s help in ministries at the Costa Rica church and mk school; in both finishing up a good year of school in Costa Rica, and transitioning into life in the states at school and youth group here in Cedarville, Ohio.
…Kevin and Tia’s finishing up a term at Sojourn Academy—rejoicing in having met many of the goals we had in place for the school five years ago, and also happy that an interim director was willing and able to take over when we had to return to the U.S. for medical leave.

We also praise the Lord for the excellent and financially-provided-for medical care through the Veteran’s Administration which meets Kevin’s health needs on every front. We praise the Lord for the progress in healing and adaptation to his prosthesis.
We praise the Lord for opportunities for Tia to teach Spanish in a local Christian school; she will also have the opportunity to travel to Chile this year on a ministry team to the ABWE missionary kid school there in Santiago. She also praises the Lord for the chance to work on her masters and is in the home stretch; please pray that she will be able to finish this year.

As a family, most of all, we request prayer as the Lord leads us back into ministry. As Kevin finishes up medical leave and we enter furlough, we look forward to reporting to as many churches as possible between now and July. As the Lord leads us back to Costa Rica, we may work in an area slightly further away from the capital; we will minister with a young church plant, and if the Lord provides ministries to use our education background, we will be ready!

With faith in Him,
Kevin and Cynthia "Tia" Reilly