
Ps&Ps July 2010

Dear Praying Family,

We appreciate so much the many notes of encouragement that we have received in the last few weeks—via email, blog responses, or regular post. Thank you for your continued prayers and love and care.

We do need help with some prayer requests and praises:
  •   Today (July 22) Colleen flies back from Costa Rica, after spending a month there working at Sojourn Academy’s summer camp program. All went very well there!
  •   Tomorrow (July 23), movers are to go into our house in Costa Rica and pack up the belongings that we still have there. (For those of you who remember the misadventure we had in shipping our belongings to Costa Rica, you know how helpful prayer will be at this point.) We thank the Lord for

o   a quick sell of our home in Costa Rica.
o   a quick sell and dispersion of all our big furniture and appliances.
o   A missionary coworker who is willing to help with supervising the huge task of having our items packed up and shipped back to us.
o   And all of this means that we do not need to physically return to Costa Rica to do this ourselves. That would have been complicated due to a number of life-situations.
  •   We still need jobs, as well. We’re expecting God to provide just the right place where we can reflect His glory and work toward His kingdom goals.
  •   We praise the Lord for the time we get to spend with Christina and grandbaby Galen; Sean continues in helicopter repair training until he graduates on September 2. They do not know yet where they will be stationed.

 Kevin and Tia Reilly


Another Beginning

We have enjoyed an excellent but difficult last six months. Our visits with many supporting church families have encouraged our souls. The hugs and smiles, the concern for Kevin’s health, the love expressed for the kids (and grandkid), the gifts towards our support—they have all been a great blessing. And for those we have not seen in person, many of you have written your encouragement. We thank you.

However, we have also been struggling these last six months—wanting, and moving toward, a return to the field, but it has been an unsettled drive. We have been reluctant, in spite of improve­ments in Kevin’s physical situation, to admit that going back overseas would not be best for his health. Due to chronic pain and due to maintaining the prosthesis, Kevin does not have the stamina to manage full-time ministry overseas. After conversations with administrators and with our pastor about various options, and after much prayer, we have tendered with sadness our resignation with ABWE as of August 31, 2010.
Ñanduti lace from Paraguay

This certainly will not be the end of ministry in our life, but it does mean that for these years in front of us, we will not be returning to the field. 

Costa Rica oxcart wheel
We love the ministries in which we have been involved in Paraguay and in Costa Rica. We enjoy fellowship and working alongside our ABWE colleagues. God has tremendously enriched and blessed our entire family since we joined ABWE in 1993. We know He will bless the next steps we take, and as well He will bless the steps of our ABWE coworkers in Costa Rica.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at reilly@hisnet.net.

With faith in Him, Kevin and Tia, Colleen and Tara