
November Ps&Ps

Fall flies by once again, and as we approach thanksgiving, of course, we thank the Lord for all the blessings.

Family-wise, this year has been so different than last. Especially in the health area. We have been so excited to see the progress of Kevin with his prosthetic—incredible. The doctor says he is doing very well, very quickly; Kevin walked with a limp in the beginning (end of September), but now it is totally gone. He meets three days a week with a therapist, but that will be ending soon. However, the progress includes Kevin actually walking down the hill to our local park and he has begun to learn how to run again as well. Just amazing to watch.

Kevin has also been able to return more full-time to the ministries in which we are involved. At Sojourn Academy, he is back in the director’s chair, and that, in turn, enables Tia to return more to teaching in secondary English classes, which she totally enjoys doing.

Kevin also continues to administrate our ABWE Costa Rica team. Toward that end, we ask that you pray for the team to continue to develop and strategize for evangelism here in Costa Rica. One of our fellow families will be going home on a year’s furlough—the Salleys; and another family, the Lohrmans, will be moving into the interior area of Guanacaste in order to survey that area.

Pray, too, for the visa situation of our family as well as several other families on the field. The lawyer who has been handling that process for us did not come through with his end of the work; after finding out from immigrations that our paperwork was not as far as long as we had been told, several families have to begin again with the processes. Needless to say, this is not a “free” application process and requires an investment of time as well.

As we continue to attend church at “Vida Nueva” and support the work of the Colliers, Tia helps occasionally with children’s church, for which Colleen is actually on the teacher team. Watching Colleen grow up encourages greatly us as parents. Every opportunity in which she is placed, she shines and quickly takes up whatever leadership or teaching or translation needs exist. Naturally, too, she and Tara can do all that in both languages, and being that we have so many missionary kids in children’s church and in Sojourn, they have chances all over the place to help with these children going through transitions.

Speaking of children in transition, please continue to pray for Sean in his second year of college. As a third-culture-kid (TCK), he has a lot of different adjustments to conquer, and he would appreciate your prayers.

Katy, too, engages in her own adventures still. This week she will return to Costa Rica for a week. Since September, Katy has worked in Honduras with friends of ours who work on a medical missions compound near the coast (La Ceiba). Her primary role involves teaching two sixth graders in home school, but she also enjoys ministries with the local children’s center and music ministry with the local youth group.

Thanksgiving, yes, brings reflections and thank you’s
Bigger than we can express in words.
Often we do not realize
the moments or hours
that you take us with you in prayer.
But then we look back over the road we have traveled...
A road perhaps narrow and bumpy, but lit up with that light that is Christ,
His words and His care.


Children's Church 10.24.08

The Lord blesses each week. Much of our work is at Sojourn Academy, the mk and international Christian school, but these photos here are from a recent turn at Children's Church at our church --Iglesia Bautista Impacto Vida Nueva.



The weeks fly by, and we still feel like we live in transition mode. Primarily in the health department, but in every other way as well.

Kevin's physical therapy continues very well. He generally uses a cane to get around, but he can walk without it. The gait still needs improvement as the muscles in that leg strengthen, and it's happening!

Pray for our transitions at school, where Kevin and Tia work together in the directorship (and Tia teaches twelve classes per week). Pray for the students there and the teachers. As you can imagine, our school revolves around transcience -- kids coming and going, some teachers coming and going, and currently our secondary math teacher, Val Wood, is on medical leave in the states--please pray for her.
Check out our photos on http://picasaweb.google.com/Tialrreilly from our culture day program. (Pictured here: Abby Graef, ABWE mk-er from first grade, representing Venezuela)

Please pray, too, for ABWE team efforts and for church where we continue to need larger facilities.


Five months plus a day!

We are very excited! Five months and one day after the amputation in late April 2008, Dr. Dino Cozzarelli fitted Kevin for his new lower leg and foot (Dr. Dino's site: http://www.protesisavanzadas.com/).

Kevin spent all day on Friday at the offices there in Alajuela, Costa Rica (another city on the other side of the capital). In the morning a mold was made and by the afternoon he was walking with crutches, and even with just one crutch.

He feels so much better and more secure in getting around. We are just so happy to be at this point, and PRAISE THE LORD!

Also, this week, Tara celebrated her 14th birthday. We also received a note from the family which Katy is helping in Honduras--she is doing very well and an excellent job. We'll see her at

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Reilly Ps&Ps – August 2008

(Praises and Prayer requests)

 The summer has flown by, and now school starts up with the busy-ness of school and other activities, we remember the words of II Corinthians 4:5-6:  For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake. For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.

 It is not about us and what we are busy with—it's about the message we were commissioned with.

 We praise the Lord for the continued healing of Kevin's leg—it's so much better now.  Although it has taken a long time to heal, we have seen a phenomenal change over the summer.  We will soon be at the next step in the process—the shrinking of the residual limb—and after that the temporary prosthetic. 

 We need prayer for wisdom in knowing which part of the process should be done in the States and which should be done in Costa Rica.  Still in Ohio, Kevin has two more appointments in these next ten days, which may help us answer some of these questions, and we are also waiting for complete approval for funds to be approved through the VA's Foreign Medical Program (FMP) in Costa Rica.  We do want to be all together again – SOON. 

For our Costa Rica ABWE team, we continue to request prayer for various projects underway, and toward recent meetings regarding strategy.  Please pray specifically for the churches:  Iglesia Bautista Impacto Vida Nueva, Iglesia Bautista El Camino, and Iglesia Bautista Roca Viva.  (The names don't sound quite as good in English, but translated they are New Life Impact Baptist Church, The Way Baptist Church, and Living Rock Baptist Church.)

This week, Sojourn Academy starts up in full swing.  Please pray for

  • The new teachers and student teacher:  Gary, Kim, Kate, Tricia, and Kim (yes, two "Kim's"
  • The new missionary students starting up language school and for their children to whom we minister – 67 new mks start on August 27, all the way from cradle to 12th grade.
  • All of us ministering together—lots of details to manage, and lots of unknowns to face.


Praise the Lord for

  • Safety throughout Katy's summer of work in Illinois – now she's off to minister in Honduras.

  • Kevin's continued healing.

  • Sean and Christina's adaptation to not getting married this summer and continued growth in their relationship

  • Colleen and Tara continue to minister at church with children of varying ages

  • Tia's graduate coursework over the summer:  it was very interesting, but she's still got about a third of the home projects to complete.

  • Successful summer camp program at Sojourn—thanks to all the work that the team here put together while we were gone.

With faith in Him,Kevin, Tia, Kaitlyn, Colleen, Tara


Psalm 37...Rest in the Lord

Wait patiently for Him.

We know how easy it is to get caught up with the demands of life--the busy-ness of life. Don't let your list of things-to-do determine your priorities. Realize that your priority is resting, waiting on the Lord and let everything else filter through that fact.

Andrew Murray said, "The power of the world, the spirit of its literature [media], the temptations of business and pleasure, all unite to make up a religion in which it is sought to combine a comfortable hope for the future with the least possible amount of sacrifice in the present."

Instead, "Set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated on the right hand of God." Colossians 3:1


I'm Back

After you live in a foreign country you began to not see the differences . . . pretty soon, it's just home, perhaps with some twists, but not really differences.

Then you return to that passport world of yours, try to feel-at-home in what used to be so familiar. That takes a few weeks, and then wham, you leave again.

Now I land back in Costa Rica--and believe me, "landing" takes a few days. But what I do see suddenly are the differences: a palm tree in my courtyard, walls and gates around every home, men pushing their fresh fruit juice carts along the streets, others walking their horses, bright pink or orange or orange house facades, parrots flying overhead in flocks, and rain every day for a few hours!

Now I know I am home.


Not to be outdone...

...the Small Lives do not cease to amaze.

After reading the Small Lives of Reilly posted below, our second youngest daughter put in her two cents. "TCKs" = Tara, Colleen, Katy, and Sean. Of course--how could I have missed that! (Incredible!)

From Letters from a Modern Mystic

"What, Father, do you desire said? What, Father, do you desire done this minute?"
It is clear that this is exactly what Jesus all day every day. But it is not what his followers have been doing in very large numbers.
--20 January 1930, Frank Laubach

...As I sit over in that old building day after day patiently toiling with one man or boy to teach him the alphabet, and so hold him to a larger world, I often wonder whether this work is becoming to a man of my age (46). But when that same man fondly runs his fingers through my hair and looks his love while he says "Mapia bapa" -- good uncle-- I know that a little love is created. If this entire universe is a desperate attempt of love to incarnate itself, then "important duties" which keep us from helping little people are not duties, but sins--"
--21 August 1930, Frank Laubach


The Small Lives of Reilly still exist!

While working on a research paper for the Diversity and Social Issues in Education course at Cedarville University, I took a study break with our 13-year old. I mentioned to her that I was reading and writing about her--about TCKs. She paused, thought hard, and then asked with a smile, "Totally confidant kangaroos?"
-- Perhaps. :)
Here she is pictured with two other TCKs (third culture kids) and Aunt Joanna Salley (ABWE coworker).


From smelling the roses to watching the penguins--Life is good

See more photos in slideshow at right.


Smelling the roses again!

What a sweet (-smelling) surprise! A friend, Phyllis, took my blog quite literally and had delivered to my house today three rich-pink roses.
. . . . The Lord keep blessing and surprising--another friend, Debby, brought dinner over to us. That's a great help, too. With these grad classes, I spend all day in class (typical vocabulary: deculturalization, meritocracy, determinism, interruptability, sorting, solidarity, functionalism, etc.) . . . and then I come home, throw in or out some laundry, and back to the books, I go. Oh, and in between I see my kids, kiss my husband, and email Mimi. I'm having fun! How about you?

Praise the Lord for sweet surprises, great friends, and stopping to smell the roses.

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Summer Psalms

Yesterday we were supposed to have a wedding...I can only imagine how different life would be today if that had been the case. I pray for Sean and Christina, and praise them for their maturity in this postponement decision. Not easy.

Overall, a very strange summer. Coming back to our OH home always encourages us. The smiles, the hugs, the visits, the laughs. Good stuff. But also this time, some hard stuff--visits to doctors, grad school classes (plus 3-5 hours of homework), postponing major life plans, and only having Katy here for one weekend.

Today in church Bob Rohm (Cedarville Univ.) reminded us of great truths from Asaph's Psalm 73. Two verses here-- 23 and 28.

Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand....
But as for me, it is good to be near God.
I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge;
I will tell of all your deeds.

God is omnipresent--am I remembering that? Am I putting myself in His sanctuary (presence)? Or am I living a "practical atheism"? as Bob Rohm coins it: do I say that God is omnipresent, but live real life as though He were nowhere around?

--Tia Louise

P.S. Major Cedarville flashback during SS this morning. Dr. Al Monroe was our substitute teacher--anybody else remember Foundations or Geography with Dr. Al? :)


I can't agree with this one, Emily

I love almost everything I have ever read by Emily Dickinson --but I have not read anything near the upward of 1800 poems. (Click here or here if you are unfamiliar with her work and wish to be....)
Someone writes of Emily Dickinson "Though she lived in seclusion, she lived a passionate life." And of herself, she writes "I find ecstasy in living, the mere sense of living is joy enough" (letter, 1870).
With that later quote--with the more insight into life I accumulate (in other words, the older I get) I so totally agree.

However, one thing I do not agree with her on is her dislike of being published (she only published about a dozen of her poems and had her sister promise to burn the works after her death). Here is her opinion....

Publication – is the Auction
Of the Mind of Man –
Poverty – be justifying
For so foul a thing...
In the Parcel – Be the Merchant
Of the Heavenly Grace –
But reduce no Human Spirit
To Disgrace of Price
Emily Dickinson, c. 1863

Of course, today, publishing is any recording of our passion, perplexity, and pain. Even if no one buys it or reads it, it must be written down . . . .
What do you think?


Saturday, July 12, 2008

I do believe in "stopping to smell the roses."

Two problems: 1) no roses, and 2) no sense of smell.

But I still really believe in SLOWING DOWN and observing what the senses can realize all around us. We so often zip through the day that we don't notice the cracks in the sidewalk anymore. When we were kids, we did. We don't hear the thunder as a "roll" anymore--it's just noise. But listen--hear how it rolls in, grumbles a lot, and then rolls out again. And have you ever listened to thunder in the mountains--wow!

Why should we stop and "smell the roses"? I have my opinion. I would love to hear yours! Or share with me what you enjoy "stopping to smell"?

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"It's great to love people this much."

--Tony Snow talking about his family during an NBC interview in 2007. Tony Snow succumbed to cancer at age 53, today July 12, 2008.


Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all -- the apathy of human beings. -- Helen Keller


Back to school!

This week has been my first week back to school -- again. This time at Cedarville University -- again -- for grad work in secondary education. First course, all morning, Advanced Technology in the Classroom. Theoretical and practical--good stuff. Then, all afternoon, with Dr. Ager (previous professor and family friend) I have Standards and Assessments (that's testing and such). I am really enjoying the work and reading (and to some extent, the homework). But the day is long and the campus is large. I'm discovering that I am a bit out of shape. :)


Fourth of July on the Sixth

Oh, say can you see! The fire department of Cedarville put up an enormous flag for the community churches block party last night (July 6). We stayed put on our front porch, a block away. Kevin had to stay home with his leg elevated.

We had so many visitors! Debby even brought us pie! Our kids brought us sandwiches from the pig roast--delicious. Our guest list for the day: the Stanfields (Christina's parents); Beth Leightenheimer; Debby Zavodney...and then later, her husband, Larry; the Jacobs, including son Grant; their neighbors, Bob and Jen Czerniak and 3/4 of their children; Dave and Marcia Baits...with their daughter Alicia who is visiting from Brazil for a week. Did I miss someone? Probably. Our porch was really crowded.

Great moments...see the slideshow at right.


Summer 2008

A year has passed since we last wrote on this blog...pretty much do my own thing at www.hisnet.net/reilly/ but I would think that blogging should be easier...so maybe I'll try this again. Or perhaps a blog on facebook would be a better way to go.

This will be my experimental summer.

Right before we left Costa Rica... Beatrice delivered her kittens (june 26). Here's a peek.