The weeks fly by, and we still feel like we live in transition mode. Primarily in the health department, but in every other way as well.
Kevin's physical therapy continues very well. He generally uses a cane to get around, but he can walk without it. The gait still needs improvement as the muscles in that leg strengthen, and it's happening!
Pray for our transitions at school, where Kevin and Tia work together in the directorship (and Tia teaches twelve classes per week). Pray for the students there and the teachers. As you can imagine, our school revolves around transcience -- kids coming and going, some teachers coming and going, and currently our secondary math teacher, Val Wood, is on medical leave in the states--please pray for her.
Check out our photos on from our culture day program. (Pictured here: Abby Graef, ABWE mk-er from first grade, representing Venezuela)
Please pray, too, for ABWE team efforts and for church where we continue to need larger facilities.
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