
The Amazing Race trolleys into the past

Kevin and Tia set out this morning aiming for Puerto Rico's famous fort "El Morro," built over 400 years ago. Basically Old San Juan, where the fort stands guard, is the oldest city in the USA if one counts the territories.  Our challenge ("speed bump," if you will) was the fact that we knew that to get to the fort, a tourist must walk at least 1/4 of a mile--not good for our disability.

But we set forth anyway (after a continental breakfast at the hotel), with prayers and hoping. We got ourselves into Old San Juan, and found a parking garage near the site. On the internet, Tia had researched a free trolley system running around Old San Juan, and when one appeared, we grabbed the opportunity for a ride around the town. What a pure delight (and answer to prayer) when we discovered that the trolley drives right up to the entrance of the fort. Our speed bump was conquered, and we enjoyed the history of Spain-meets-the-USA.

For the rest, I will let you peruse the photos....


Chrissy King said...

I love the pics---especially those of Old San Juan-- what great color!! I would love to visit PR some day!! Soak it all up!!