Please continue to pray as we near December. Medical Leave has been good in that Kevin has been able to see a great variety of doctors through the Veteran’s Administration, and with good continuity. We pray that we will be able to begin a six-month furlough in January.
Please pray for continued wisdom in these areas.
Other prayer requests:
· Sean and Christina in their new family life
· Katy in college (living at home still and working a lot)
· Colleen in 11th grade (and just starting voice lessons)
· Tara in 10th grade (and just starting violin lessons)
· The ABWE team in Costa Rica (especially as one couple will be coming to the US for furlough and another couple for a few months for medical reasons)
· Sojourn Academy with its customary 3-times-per-year transitions of missionary kids coming to learning Spanish, its numbers of resident mks and Costa Rican and other internationals.
Kevin and Tia Reilly
Sojourn Academy
Reilly Great Remarks/Ps&Ps
November 2009 Ps&Ps
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August Ps&Ps 2009
Dear supporting family and friends
We have now been in Ohio--as a whole family--since late June. Naturally, it is an adjustment, but Cedarville offers us a lot of friendship and church support, and we appreciate that so much.
Updates for prayer:
- The pain in Kevin's ankle continues to worsen and something will need to be done in regards to that soon. He also occasionally suffers from pain in the residual limb and phantom pains still.
- Continue to pray for the adjustments to the new prostheses that he has received. He is also continuing with therapies and rehabilitation treatments.
- Pray for the girls--Colleen and Tara--as they start a new school year at Cedar Cliff schools
, a school that they attended her five years ago. Pray, too, for their continual adjustments to being in the states. And Colleen is starting her learning-to-drive part of life.
- Also for Katy who will start college this month--Central State University, about three miles down the road--Literature, Secondary Education.
- Pray too for Sean and Christina, who hope to get married soon.
- Pray for Tia as she tries to finish up masters work this year while here. Her summer classes went very successfully.
- Pray for strength for all of us!
With faith in Him, Kevin and Tia Reilly
Posted by Mindful Lines 1 comments
Ps&Ps July 2008
Dear Supporting friends and family,
Just to give you an update, we have landed safe and sound in Cedarville, OH. After nine weeks of half of us being in Costa Rica and the other half in Cedarville, we finally reunited on June 23.
Tia has been taking courses toward her masters, which was the original plan, at Cedarville University. Kevin has been busy with appointments at the Dayton Veteran's Medical Center. Although the move from Costa Rica has been a hard one, it has been very apparent that it has been the right move. Kevin's residual limb still continues to have changes, and the prosthesis vendor continues to meet with him to deal with new equipment and how to work with it all. Kevin still has some pain come and go in that limb (besides the phantom pain), and he still has various aspects of therapy to work through. After the VA provides a second prosthesis (the current one is the "backup"), the doctors will look toward doing surgery on his other ankle.
Being that it is summer, the kids do not have as much activity going on as usual. However, they do have their friends (and fiancé, in Sean's case) to help keep them busy, and Colleen and Tara's friends from years before still, of course, remember them and create more good times.
Please keep praying for the adjustments and activities of our new situation.
Note our new telephone and address:
937-766-3038 (we are no longer using the Vonage phone number) PO Box 491, Cedarville, OH 45314
Email for Kevin:
Email for Tia/general family:
With our faith in Him,
Kevin, Tia
Sean, Kaitlyn, Colleen and Tara
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A difficult letter to write . . . .
Originally sent on May 20, 2009
Dear Supporting Family -- I am writing to share with you what is most difficult for Tia and me.
Once again I have come to the states to repair my prosthesis and I have found much needed help. Although I have had great improvement since the amputation a year ago, at the same time I have encountered more work that needs to be done. In the fall of 2008, I rushed back to my family, field and to our ministries, without taking time to fully adjust to my amputation, to take time for needed rehabilitation, get the exact prosthetic, learn to live as an amputee, and understand what it means to be an amputee and actually be fully recovered.
Not only do I need to catch up with these items dealing with the amputation, but I also need an operation on my remaining ankle (residual problems from before the amputation last year).
Our Mission ABWE has asked us to take a medical leave of absence until December 2009, and then reevaluate our situation and perhaps proceed with furlough (we were planning on that for the following year). At that point of time we will assess our ability to serve our Lord outside the USA.
With incredibly heavy, but peace-filled hearts, we have put down our ministries in Costa Rica—working as team coordinator and directing the Christian school.
Tia and the girls will be rejoining Kevin in Cedarville, where he currently has been undergoing continual medical appointments and treatments these last few weeks. Please pray for us as we wrap up a variety of details here in Costa Rica before this travel.
With our faith in Him,
Kevin M. and Tia Reilly
ABWE Costa Rica
Posted by Mindful Lines 1 comments
April 2009 Ps&Ps
The kids loved it, and we are so grateful for the extra special effort to reach out to them.
For more pictures, click here.
4) We have a praise also for Tara’s success this past weekend. She had the opportunity to be in a play at Sojourn, run by one of the teachers. She did very well, and overall we are proud of all the kids involved in the production. We praise the Lord for the teachers that he brings to Sojourn who share their gifts—like drama, or basketball, or cheering, or music—and provide for the students another avenue to explore their gifts and praise the Lord.
With our faith in Him, Kevin and Tia Reilly
Posted by Mindful Lines 0 comments
Three Prayer Requests, Four
-- Please continue to pray for Luana Chan's family. Her sister Iliana did lose her baby and now has returned to the states with her husband. Needless to say, this family has gone through a lot of tragedy and are having to find their way around their lives again. I cannot share all the details, but please pray for wisdom and direction as they face not only big decisions, but also the daily tasks without mother and wife, and now baby, too. (Pictured here, Luana speaking at her mother's funeral.)
Posted by Mindful Lines 0 comments
Where we are...
This week, Kevin and I find ourselves in Cedarville, OH. Cedarville University annually hosts a recruitment conference for Christian schools, and we just finished up there these last two days. Praise the Lord for good contacts, and pray with us that He continues to provide the best teachers for our next school year.
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First week back to school . . .and so much more!
We had an exciting week here in Costa Rica--you may have even heard about some of it.
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