Dear supporting family and friends
We have now been in Ohio--as a whole family--since late June. Naturally, it is an adjustment, but Cedarville offers us a lot of friendship and church support, and we appreciate that so much.
Updates for prayer:
- The pain in Kevin's ankle continues to worsen and something will need to be done in regards to that soon. He also occasionally suffers from pain in the residual limb and phantom pains still.
- Continue to pray for the adjustments to the new prostheses that he has received. He is also continuing with therapies and rehabilitation treatments.
- Pray for the girls--Colleen and Tara--as they start a new school year at Cedar Cliff schools
, a school that they attended her five years ago. Pray, too, for their continual adjustments to being in the states. And Colleen is starting her learning-to-drive part of life.
- Also for Katy who will start college this month--Central State University, about three miles down the road--Literature, Secondary Education.
- Pray too for Sean and Christina, who hope to get married soon.
- Pray for Tia as she tries to finish up masters work this year while here. Her summer classes went very successfully.
- Pray for strength for all of us!
With faith in Him, Kevin and Tia Reilly
Lots of changes! We are praying for you all. May God guide you and give you grace through it all. Love, Chris and Diana
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