
Smelling the roses again!

What a sweet (-smelling) surprise! A friend, Phyllis, took my blog quite literally and had delivered to my house today three rich-pink roses.
. . . . The Lord keep blessing and surprising--another friend, Debby, brought dinner over to us. That's a great help, too. With these grad classes, I spend all day in class (typical vocabulary: deculturalization, meritocracy, determinism, interruptability, sorting, solidarity, functionalism, etc.) . . . and then I come home, throw in or out some laundry, and back to the books, I go. Oh, and in between I see my kids, kiss my husband, and email Mimi. I'm having fun! How about you?

Praise the Lord for sweet surprises, great friends, and stopping to smell the roses.

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Anonymous said...

Trying to figure out/schedule new Latin curriculum. Don't speak Latin. That's what I'm doing. :)


Anonymous said...

Thanks be to God that nearby friends are offering support with beautiful roses and deicious dinners. On the other hand, you may be delighted that I am in farwaway Alabama and not nearby when it comes to supplying meals! My cooking skills are notorious! In fact, a niece once commented, "When Uncle David goes to the kitchen, even the dog leaves home"! Must be true ... there's not a dog on the block! :-) I'll just send prayers instead!

Mindful Lines said...

Thank you so much for those prayers. Frankly they are sweeter than the roses!