
Psalm 37...Rest in the Lord

Wait patiently for Him.

We know how easy it is to get caught up with the demands of life--the busy-ness of life. Don't let your list of things-to-do determine your priorities. Realize that your priority is resting, waiting on the Lord and let everything else filter through that fact.

Andrew Murray said, "The power of the world, the spirit of its literature [media], the temptations of business and pleasure, all unite to make up a religion in which it is sought to combine a comfortable hope for the future with the least possible amount of sacrifice in the present."

Instead, "Set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated on the right hand of God." Colossians 3:1


Anonymous said...

What is on the table behind the woman with the paper in her hand?
Gifts for oldest mother, newest mother, etc?


Mindful Lines said...

Those are mugs in boxes--one for each mother. They are all decorated with different verses/quotations from Psalm 23 -- in Spanish, of course.

Anonymous said...

How's your hubby doing?