
Reilly Ps&Ps – August 2008

(Praises and Prayer requests)

 The summer has flown by, and now school starts up with the busy-ness of school and other activities, we remember the words of II Corinthians 4:5-6:  For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake. For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.

 It is not about us and what we are busy with—it's about the message we were commissioned with.

 We praise the Lord for the continued healing of Kevin's leg—it's so much better now.  Although it has taken a long time to heal, we have seen a phenomenal change over the summer.  We will soon be at the next step in the process—the shrinking of the residual limb—and after that the temporary prosthetic. 

 We need prayer for wisdom in knowing which part of the process should be done in the States and which should be done in Costa Rica.  Still in Ohio, Kevin has two more appointments in these next ten days, which may help us answer some of these questions, and we are also waiting for complete approval for funds to be approved through the VA's Foreign Medical Program (FMP) in Costa Rica.  We do want to be all together again – SOON. 

For our Costa Rica ABWE team, we continue to request prayer for various projects underway, and toward recent meetings regarding strategy.  Please pray specifically for the churches:  Iglesia Bautista Impacto Vida Nueva, Iglesia Bautista El Camino, and Iglesia Bautista Roca Viva.  (The names don't sound quite as good in English, but translated they are New Life Impact Baptist Church, The Way Baptist Church, and Living Rock Baptist Church.)

This week, Sojourn Academy starts up in full swing.  Please pray for

  • The new teachers and student teacher:  Gary, Kim, Kate, Tricia, and Kim (yes, two "Kim's"
  • The new missionary students starting up language school and for their children to whom we minister – 67 new mks start on August 27, all the way from cradle to 12th grade.
  • All of us ministering together—lots of details to manage, and lots of unknowns to face.


Praise the Lord for

  • Safety throughout Katy's summer of work in Illinois – now she's off to minister in Honduras.

  • Kevin's continued healing.

  • Sean and Christina's adaptation to not getting married this summer and continued growth in their relationship

  • Colleen and Tara continue to minister at church with children of varying ages

  • Tia's graduate coursework over the summer:  it was very interesting, but she's still got about a third of the home projects to complete.

  • Successful summer camp program at Sojourn—thanks to all the work that the team here put together while we were gone.

With faith in Him,Kevin, Tia, Kaitlyn, Colleen, Tara


Anonymous said...

Glad for the update! May God bless the entire family in their respective slots at the moment.

Anonymous said...

The Cornerstone Baptist Church family in Springfield will continue to keep the Reilly family in prayer. We praise the Lord for your faithful service and dependance on His goodness.
Mike Justice,
Missions Committee deacon Liaison.